Whether you’re starting a new business or running an established firm, making the right banking choices is a critical factor. Avenue Business Support can point you in the right direction, utilising the contacts and expertise of our associated company, Simpson Financial Services Ltd, a progressive commercial concern authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.
Against the current economic background where banks are seeking more detailed information on companies than ever before, even at the point of opening a business account, Avenue Business Support can assist you in choosing the bank most suited to your needs and smoothing the account application process.
Financing your business in a planned and efficient manner is obviously a crucial element in achieving success. Countless proposals that businesses, particularly SME's, make to banks for overdrafts or loans fall at the first hurdle because the proposals are considered inadequate. And once you’ve made such a negative impression, it can sometimes be hard to re-establish credibility. Such applications have therefore to be both presentable and professional.
Our support services don’t stop there. In addition to helping your business secure overdraft/loan finance, we can also advise and assist you in other areas including invoice discounting, factoring and asset based finance.
With credit conditions remaining tight, you can’t just “fill in a form” and expect banking support. A properly planned and coherent submission is essential. And here Avenue Business Support can help. We can conduct a basic business diagnostic and then make sure that your business plan, personal information, security details, accounts, financial projections and required documentation are all in line with your bank’s requirements and ready to be considered. If required we can also assist in the negotiations with your bank so that you’ll have support during every step of the loan application.